Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I wrote this post after reading one of my bro Eric's post. It was a refreshing post that you can find here. Eric was the one telling me everyday that I needed to set up a blog, and curse him, now I'm addicted. Well here is the poem that Eric inspired. Hope you enjoy the ride.

I think therefore I am,

Mirrors can only reflect my outward appearance,

But my internal reflection marks my physical disappearance,

And the reappearance of my ethereal existence

Covered in the sweat that comes from persistence

I hunger for my thoughts to define my subsistence.


Playing hide and seek with myself,

No teams or partners to help,

Running around in circles,

Chasing my mental health.


Actions speak louder than words,

Yet, I want to scream loud so my words are heard

Actions are often fake and hollow

imitations of the truth that only the naïve will swallow

Rather my words speak for themselves,

Tests of authenticity they never fail,

against society’s rules I’ll prevail.


I think outside the box,

Reality is a triviality that I refuse to see,

My mind is a truth that the world can’t believe,

An ideal that you are unable to perceive,

A signal your antennae can’t receive.

Yet, society will try only to be deceived.


I think with my heart,


My third eye is uncanny,

Way of above the norm of the many,

Poets, rappers, writers galore,

Whose work is logical, rational, mainly a bore.

No use of simile or metaphor I find that I need more.


More of the mental ambrosia that makes me feel divine,

More of the creative euphoria that makes me feel design,

A work of poetry where words play and creative juices spray.


Act out your wildest dreams,

Gone are the days where the world was silent and pristine

Now is the era where silence is no longer serene,

The world is ready for me to use my words as a source to lean,

Going on and on like a Badu song.


To be or not to be that is the question

I choose to be and learn life’s lessons,

Shakespeare pointed me in the right direction

Action was the key to Romeo’s resurrection

he died but he succeeded in Juliet’s deflection

So I’ll be active and hope for Hamlets motivation.


Be all you can be, smile and model for history,

Not a repeat of past endeavors

But a conundrum a mystery,

Embodiment of a dynasty,

One voice, one body, one mind

Standing the test of time.


  1. you already know bruh ... i think your stuff is amazing. makes me feel kinda good to know i inspired this one lol.

    i think i wrote a really in-depth comment on facebook, but basically ... keep writing.

    your stuff hits. hard.

  2. Eric is right, your writing is pretty uhhh-mazzzingggggg!

    -pat you on the back

    Well done.

  3. snaps fingers. dope dope. i felt this one. you could make a career of this.

  4. Everyone, Thanx, glad you liked reading it.

    Yo Ari, actually I do plan on making a career out of it, poetry is a love of mine, but I really want to get into fiction writing. So far Eric has a copy of my story that I'm working on...hopefully he'll finish reading is soon...

    Yo Lizzy, thanks for the pat on the back lol, and u owe me cookies.

    Eric, yea man ur comments on my notes are always in-depth on facebook, so I'm going to post your new favorite of the month probably later.

  5. I don't owe you ANYTHING!



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