Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Couple's Couplets

Basking in eternal sunshine my eyes clear, 
Waves of the sea, cleanses me of fear

Seeds of the past flourish in my heart,
Souls connect and can no longer be apart

Paths diverge into the void of heartbreak,
Pain that is real and cannot be faked

Eyes are stricken blind with images of you, 
Praying for the day, that we are made anew

Skin on skin radiates euphoria and bliss,
An infinite pleasure, from a subtle kiss

Reincarnation of forgotten beauty, 
Hidden in the folds of life’s cruelty

Cherished cherry blossoms flourish
Love does too, it just has to be nourished.

I tend to write a lot of poems free verse, just writing and implementing line breaks where I see fit, but with this piece I felt the need for structure and thought that couplets would be fun to play with since I rarely use them. Today I'm in a romantic mood. I watched Wall-E and it was great. Well, I think its wonderful that two semi-mute robots can fall in love. Crazy that the robots can somehow break all the barriers that plague their existence and make it work. I mean Eve was an uptown girl from a nice neighborhood, space, and Wall-E was from the bad part of town. He had no proper upbringing, was basically built for a low end job with no chance for advancement. He was the epitome of someone experiencing the glass ceiling affect. Still he worked hard, followed her home, and it was by being himself that he eventually won her over. She had to realize that he truly cared and see what was right before her eyes. 

I wish a lot girls could see what is right in front of them. Today me and my boy was talking about girls in general and how as of right now it seems that the women we know want to do them, and in the process leave behind the men who have their back 100% percent. Now I can't fault that, but I believe that some women feel that a good man will be there when they're ready to come back. Hell No! I'll be damned if I sit around and wait for a woman to come back while she's out doing her to the fullest. I'm a caring, loving, nice individual, but I'm not so love struck that I'm foolish. Waiting for someone who doesn't want you now, but will when they're ready is foolish. A woman will not set me down and pick me up like a child's plaything. I'm to good for that, and am one of the few men I know who don't play games with people's emotions. When I care and love you thats it. No questions to be asked. 

Now I will not be stereotypical and say all women are like that, but some right now that me and my boy know are, and its irritating. Even my ex is like that. Ahhh she thought it was sweet. She hit me the other day on some I love you and miss you type stuff. Saying she miss the friendship, but nope I don't want to be her friend. I can't just be her friend, I would do to much for her, I've done to much for her and I would want more from her than friendship. So for the moment I'm alright with the random spurts of text message conversation. I'm alright with not seeing her, even though she is 10 minutes within driving range. I'll live, because when I was trying to be with her I was slowly dying waiting for her to come around. So I'm done waiting, and she's got me to the point where I'm done trying. 

The sad part is its officially cold and thus caking season has begun. Whelp, I'll be alright. Hope you enjoy the poem. 


  1. i love your writing. i don't remember the last time i've written a couplet. but Wall-E was great! lol i loved it. i love it. i agree, i don't think it's dead. it seems like the better you treat a woman, the the less she loves you! assholes are the preference some of today's women. they love nice men only for their security but they cheat with jerks and rude men. so i don't put the blame only on the men. but men are the same way. they want those fast ass females instead of the ones who are actually worth the time.

  2. Yea its sad but true. I hope people learn from their mistakes. Yea, but I'm glad you like my poetry, and it was fun writing in couplets, it was different. Thanks, I'm glad you love my writing.


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