Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Carpe Diem

" Yesterday is history and tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That's why it's called the " Present"

That is one of the tightest movie lines ever, courtesy of KungFu Panda. I'm in a good mood. One of those good moods that only a good movie will put me, especially a good animated movie. I'm a big kid at heart. I love Disney movies , and I feel that Pixar and Dreamworks are wonderful. I'm the Disney movie buff that no one wants to play the game Scene It with. 

Today was a good day at work. My kindergarden and first graders where almost kinda sorta behaved. I just bought KungFu Panda today and decided that I would let them watch it. It made the time go by almost to fast, and after that movie I remembered I had my High school Musical DVD in the car. The kids where extremely happy, and I was able to finish my work for class tomorrow.  Yay!

The last couple of days have spawned some unhappy posts, well unhappy for someone like me who's always a bundle of joy. I'm glad to at least have a great disposition right now, and I plan on making it last for as long as possible. I have a lot to look forward to; I go home in 8 days, and finally get to see my friends and family. It'll be great times. 

Well, I'm about to read and relax, get off my train lol. 


  1. i wish i was a bundle of joy all the time, lol.

  2. oh yeah, i wanted to tell you my name was adina, you can change my link to that if you want. i'm going to add you to mine.

  3. I wrote about that same quote a few months ago.


  4. & ahem.. why am i not on the link list?

    -smacks your head

  5. king fu panda is one of the best animated movies i've seen in a while. and i'm a big kid at heart, as well! it's great! and i would so kick your ass in Scene It! ;] but i love your attitude towards everything. you seem like such a happy person and it's great lol. i'm so linking you!

  6. ooops! kung fu panda.*

  7. Lizzy you are not on the link list because I can actually follow your blog, DUH everyone else doesn't have follows on their page. But just because you're Lizzy I'ma add u now. :-)

  8. Oh and Lizzy its obvious great minds think alike right...but I hope you're happy now that you're official linked. Oh and u keep hittin me, I'm so gonna call the police for domestic violence. :-P

  9. Yo miss Juiicy, I like how u spelled that, the extra "i" adds to the name lol, but seriously I highly doubt you would beat me in scene it, naw fuck that I know you wouldn't beat me in scene it, cuz I'm like an encyclopedia of Disney movies. If you want to challenge me you can find me in the Chi, get at me. Oh yea and you've been linked because I like your blog. I'm glad you love my attitude, I guess it pays to be eternally optimistic. Thanks

  10. oh please, i'd whoop that ass in scene it! trust! i may be "old" lol but i love my disney/pixar/dreamworks! if i gotta head to the Chi to prove it, i will! and please, call me Ana lol. and you're very welcome! ;)

  11. Ana, smh, Ana, smh again. Delusion is not hot these days. Beat me in Scene It, NAH!!! I'm a fair person, and like to give everyone the chance to try their hand at beating me at something. So hop on the plane and I'll c u in the chi, with scene it on hand. Once I give you da bizness, please feel free to tell the whole blogging world how u lost, so spectacularly.


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