Friday, January 30, 2009

unfinished business

Well, right now I'm on my way to chicago to pick up my car from the shop. It's fixed and it only cost me 1500. I mean that's not to bad. What could I have done with 1500 dollars anyways. Paid my rent for 6 months, bought a lot of cloths, went on vacation, or you know just took that money out of the bank and slept on a pile of money. I've always wanted to get my scrooge McDuck on in this lifetime.

P.s. I'm writing on a cramped megabus from my blackberry. Oh how I love my phone.


  1. :( @ the car!

    I came out of class yesterday & my car wouldn't start. I was stuck in the parking lot for over 3 hours trying to flag somebody down so that I could get a jump start for my car.


  2. i come back to see you haven't updated!! grr lol soon enough i will have my blog back


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