Sunday, December 28, 2008

Bored on Sunday...ugh!

I'm bored right now and its sad. I really should not b bored while I'm home from school. It just seems to defeat the purpose of being on winter break. To me winter break should be refreshing, but there is nothing invigorating about tonight.

So let's break down the scenario:I have a full tank of gas. I have money in my pocket.I have nothibg but free time,yet,obviously, I must be missing a crucial component to making this equation equal fun.

There is only so many times I can watch wall-E.Wait, that statement is entirely false.I love that adorable robot. I think I just want someone with me. Not neccessarily a girlfriend, just a friend. Someone to enjoy the same atmosphere as me, and it wouldn't help if this friend was a girl and cute lol.

Well, I think ill be broke after my birthday on wednesday so I plan on leaving chicago friday so I can work next monday and have an income eventually. Well, that's all until my year end reflection. I got the idea to do one from lizzy. Her year was great, I hope mine has as many bright spots when I look back.

Sometimes reminiscing is a rough process. Do you remember the time.....


  1. I loveee Wall-E!

    I have the wallpaper, the soundtrack..

    I even wanted the lunchbox.


  2. i love your blog :) and your playlist

  3. you're birthday's going to be great tho, so stay positive.


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