Sunday, January 18, 2009

Free Wi-Fi

Good morning world. This is your friendly neighborhood blogger here to give you an update on my life. I know you've probably been wondering where have I been since my last post. Please don't worry, I have not been captured by insurgents(thats for anyone who has seen Pimp Chronicles). 

Right now as I type I am on the Megabus going from Chicago to Columbia. Mo, Yes, I am returning to the collegiate lifestyle that I so love. A life of ramen noodles, last minute studying,, and an overdose of Starbucks. Oh, how I miss being able to buy Starbucks and charge it to my student account. Well, I have an issue to discuss, a minor gripe with the Megabus corporation and Chicago weather. 

Lets list the facts:

1. Chicago is currently 10 degrees outside(rough estimate)
2. I have a lot of luggage and so does everyone else. 
3. Majority of the passengers of this bus are going to Columbia, Mo where a college is located
4. Common sense would mean that we are going back to school.

So with all that in mind here is what happened. My sister and I were outside trying to get our luggage checked so we can board the bus back to school. The people loading the bus was trying his hardest to accommodate all the luggage into the caboose of the bus, but they hit a snag. They were not packing in the best space conserving methods. Wait, it gets worse. We were already outside for around twenty minutes when they decided that they would have to reload the bus. Meaning I would have to stand out there another twenty minutes until they packed everything the RIGHT way. 


My sister was dying outside. I think her big toe has officially lost all feeling for the rest of her life, and I was slowly losing motor skills in my feet. Eventually we opened one of my suitcases and out on a few more pair of socks, Yes, it was that bad. Eventually we just said fuck it and left our bags outside. We assumed they'd figure it out. The cold made me less willing to stand guard over my luggage. 

Well, that ordeal is over, and I am now sitting in the back of the bus where I will be for 8 hours. I hope to eventually slip into a slight coma. 
~Waves bye bye to Chicago, and closes eyes relishing in what is to come this Semester. :-)


  1. lol! funny post! I'm glad things are as they should be now

  2. Wow, I can't believe it's that freakin' cold!

    And since you just mentioned Starbucks, that def. makes me crave for some right now (:

  3. May you have a wonderful semester ahead of you!


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