Wednesday, December 24, 2008

How serious do people take facebook?

So, my friend and I decided to be engaged on facebook just so that we can cause a huge uproar. So far its working quite well. I hate to think that various social networks have this much control and influence in our lives. As a society we have digressed to the point where we believe everything that is online(Wikipedia). The internet is a hub of deceit and spawns a dyadic withdrawal not from our friends, but from the reality of truth that is presented with face to face discourse. Well, I'm waiting for the angry. shocked, and maybe appalled reactions that will come from this experiment.

Wait, there is other news; I received a 3.1 GPA for the semester. Three cheers for Jeremiah Pierre Willis. I worked hard this semester, well, I worked hard when I attended class. I honestly wish I would have went to class more because I could have done so much better, and I would have had less stress during finals week. Ugh. I just made myself sad reminiscing about how much finals sucked.

Due to my hard work I will keep my scholarship and get another refund check that will go towards bills and fixing my car up. So once again three cheers for who? That's right, me! I'm proud of myself because this is my first semester above a 3.0(last semester was a 2.9). The grades are as followed: A- in mythology, A- in Social Inequalities, B- in Television Production, and C+ in Social Psychology. Next semester I'm shooting for a 3.5, and maybe the Dean's list. Like dude from the waterboy said. " You can do it."

Marry X-mas everyone. I hope everyone is satisfied with the holiday season and my birthday is officially 6 days away, December 31st. Presents are appreciated lol.

Train ride Over

1 comment:

  1. lol @ the facebook thing; yeah people get upset & wanna be all in ya business.


Social Vibe

Social Vibe