Well, I have bills to pay so I need to go get this money,
but for now on I think I'm going to just put my money under my mattress like the
good ol days. Dueces.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
I Hate Banks
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Welcome Back
Monday, November 17, 2008
Writer's Block

I have extreme writer's block. I feel so uncreative at the moment, and strongly believe that my muse in on strike. I don't know if she wants a raise, or better benefits, but I need her to come back to her place of employment. She needs to do some serious housekeeping because my mind is a cluttered mass of transient thoughts. Metaphors are running rampant, similes stumbling around, banging on the walls and she's not there to get her workers inline. Well, I was reading one of my old poems and one stood out so I decided to share since I can't write anything worth posting at the moment. Hopefully inspiration hits me over the head soon.
MidnightThe sun sets to give rise to you,
Hour of creativity and divinity,
Time is overtaken by serenity,
Thoughts are born anew
Drifting out of mundane reality
Grasping at clouds of effervescence
Sifting through flashing 'scapes of freshness
Awed by the tender state of fragility.
Dancing twilight transcends
Rambunctious nature of the soul
Devouring all that was trite and old
Blossoms the world without end.
Soothing the beast we intimately knew
freeing the symphony of wind
Til the time comes when it all ends
Accosted by the morning dew.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Summer Night's Dance
Union of thoughts and action
Rapid heartbeat
Chances to touch beauty
All for me
None for him.
Kissing all you have,
Rekindling your spark
So deep
I can feel your heart,
Simply overpowering
of the physical
and mental,
together grasping at
more than carnal
spiritually essential.
Why the hell am I not sleep?

Its 7am, but i've been up since about 5am. I'm a blog addict, and not just my own blog. I love what I write, but I love when I find new blogs that can actually hold my attention. I've been up reading and commenting on people's posts, listening to Dedication 3, and thinking about writing a new poem. Thats all the ingredients for a good start to my morning.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Carpe Diem
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Couple's Couplets
Monday, November 10, 2008

" Hope for the best, but expect the worst."
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
Men Cry in the Dark
Men Cry in The Dark is a novel written by Michael Baisden, and is one of my favorite books. All my life I've read pretty much any work of literature that was handed to me. I always hope that the first chapter captivates me and pulls me deeper into the realm of fiction that I so love. Every so often I am fortunate enough to come across a book that touches me, and leaves a lasting impression. These are books that I count amongst my favorites, and the novel by Michael Baisden did just that.
I have always been an emotional type of person. I care for others openly and am not afraid to express my true feelings. I mean why hold back? I don't care about trying to uphold the masculine standard. I feel that it takes real strength to care and love openly.
So why is it that men feel that it is a sign of weakness to cry, that tears are a symbol of feminism and eradicates all aspects of masculinity. Well, to reject those sentiments is to reject our earliest socialization. This is the aspect of our development that was imposed on us by other men, either through family interaction or interaction through our peers outside of a home dynamic.
To be honest I detest the common ideal that it is only alright to break down at certain points in your life. Points of no return such as a death in the family or extreme pain, well, that’s really it. Those are the only guaranteed time that someone would not try to diminish your right to manhood. Oh, crying over a breakup, hard times, or just life in general, that’s a negative.
I often want to cry. That is the only advantage women have over men - at least they can cry. ~Jean Rhys
To some degree I can say that after thoughtful consideration crying has become more acceptable, yet, not fully engraved within the core of masculine society. I hope that it will become alright for an individual to weep, and release all their pains and sorrows. Bringing to light pain that was always kept in the dark.
Tears are the safety valve of the heart when too much pressure is laid on it. ~Albert Smith
Well, this ride is over. I just wanted to discuss that for a moment, and now I'm going back to watching across the universe and reading Greek mythology. Dueces
Tokyo, Paris Remix Squared

Passport, Check
Pass me the passport so I can inject my life with life support
Resuscitate and invigorate my sense of adventure,
As I venture into unknown terrains,
a cornucopia of euphoria
Inhaling the tantalizing aroma of versatility,
Devoid of familiarity,
I succumb to the void,
Helpless to avoid
the gaping expanse
Tickets, Check
Destination is wonderland and I see the Cheshire Cat,
Luring my down the rabbit whole so I can’t turn back
Tea and crumpets with the mad hatter,
Two options,
Stationary or evolutionary, and I choose the latter
Luggage, Check,
Crossing into new planes, and when I return I plan to lose my baggage,
Returning brand new and completely changed, I hope I can manage,
The kaleidoscope spins and like it, I transform from beginning to end
Well versed in the languages of the world, not verbal reveling in the linguistic,
Mentally futuristic.
Friends..how many of us have them?
Well, actually it doesn't because when I think about it I have been blessed with great friends. Oh, I could go down the line naming every great person in my life, but I think right now my brothers are the most relevant. When I'm done, they're usually up, hell, even when I'm up they're still up. Right now they are who I turn to when I need help. I usually don't like to call home and bother my mother or grandparents, but I do call my family.
My friends are my family. I have always valued friendship so much that I would give my last to my friends. If I feel that you have my best interest at heart at all times, then there is nothing I would not do to help a friend. I love my brothers soooooo much. They constantly help me when I need them.
I'm happy to have such long lasting friendships, that I know will continue until we 're all old and gray, and walking with a walker. Yet I can't overlook new friendships that may not be as ancient as others. Friends such as the ones I've met in college, or on certain sites like Blogspot( Lizzy).
Some of my best friends now, are ones that I've met in my years since high school. Friends like Eric, Jarrell, Jalisa, and many more. Friends that I feel I will know, love and cherish forever. Oh, and back to Blogspot friends, Lizzy you're great. Especially this morning waking up to the shout out in your post.
Just a while ago Lizzy questioned what could I possibly say about her? Well, I can say alot pertaining to her wonderful sense of humor, her love for things that are not on everyone else's top ten lists, or the way she constantly keeps me wanting to learn more. Well, Lizzy I hope this is enough for right now, I could go on but I don't want your head to get any bigger. Now the question is what could you say about me?
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
I think therefore I am,
Mirrors can only reflect my outward appearance,
But my internal reflection marks my physical disappearance,
And the reappearance of my ethereal existence
Covered in the sweat that comes from persistence
I hunger for my thoughts to define my subsistence.
Playing hide and seek with myself,
No teams or partners to help,
Running around in circles,
Chasing my mental health.
Actions speak louder than words,
Yet, I want to scream loud so my words are heard
Actions are often fake and hollow
imitations of the truth that only the naïve will swallow
Rather my words speak for themselves,
Tests of authenticity they never fail,
against society’s rules I’ll prevail.
I think outside the box,
Reality is a triviality that I refuse to see,
My mind is a truth that the world can’t believe,
An ideal that you are unable to perceive,
A signal your antennae can’t receive.
Yet, society will try only to be deceived.
I think with my heart,
My third eye is uncanny,
Way of above the norm of the many,
Poets, rappers, writers galore,
Whose work is logical, rational, mainly a bore.
No use of simile or metaphor I find that I need more.
More of the mental ambrosia that makes me feel divine,
More of the creative euphoria that makes me feel design,
A work of poetry where words play and creative juices spray.
Act out your wildest dreams,
Gone are the days where the world was silent and pristine
Now is the era where silence is no longer serene,
The world is ready for me to use my words as a source to lean,
Going on and on like a Badu song.
To be or not to be that is the question
I choose to be and learn life’s lessons,
Shakespeare pointed me in the right direction
Action was the key to Romeo’s resurrection
he died but he succeeded in Juliet’s deflection
So I’ll be active and hope for Hamlets motivation.
Be all you can be, smile and model for history,
Not a repeat of past endeavors
But a conundrum a mystery,
Embodiment of a dynasty,
One voice, one body, one mind
Standing the test of time.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
First Session
Monday, November 3, 2008
Train Ride
Thats the date I wrote the piece that inspired my blog's URL. I am a poet first and foremost. A writer who uses words to dictate my reality. I was looking at the description in my header and realized I'm not sharing to much of my poetry. I had another poem in mind to share, and even thought of a whole post just for it, but I decided maybe tomorrow would be better. So here's my poem entitled train ride.
All aboard for the midnight train
Destination, nowhere,
Wheels squeal as the train speeds on,
Towards the end of the line.
The track falls into an abyss
And my thoughts tumble after
Flailing helpless against the onslaught of the night,
Mares infused with the need to be released and roam free.
Two minus one equals me,
Yet divided I’m still whole,
What once was one can never be undone
Seeds bloom in the night or with the sun.
I hope you enjoy it as much I enjoyed writing it.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Year of the Gentleman

"Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth. " Charles Kingsley