Monday, September 15, 2008

Random Excursion

I love random thoughts, no wait, I just love randomness in general. To be mundane should be a sin. I believe that a spontaneous action, a unique quirk, or a thought provoking phrase are the gateways to an ideal that is lost among the world. Why must everything be planned, and executed to follow the grand scheme of things. How grand could this scheme be if one such injunction, one such injection of spontaneity could derail the whole scheme. I'm sure that most " grand schemes" allow for improv. Even the lowliest bank heist plans for the unexpected, because life cannot and should not be planned. The unexpected variable is always there, and if not allowed to exist, if not wanted to exist, this variable screams and beats against the heart of society until it is allowed in. 

(Insert Random Thought)

My random thought for the day came in Social Psychology. My teacher described the democrats as being " Bleeding Heart Liberals"- I like this term. It touched a nerve, stimulated a synapse into action and I found I can relate. 

Ok, let me define this term, a bleeding heart liberal just wants to help everyone. Point Blank! Thats All Folks!

I want to help the world and everyone in it. I value service and just a general possession of a love for humanity. I'm the type of person who would give my last to someone to make sure they have what they need. Now, this exactly a good thing, but it has merit in my eyes, and hopefully in your eyes too. I may need to tone it down a little and assist those to a limit so that I don't end up being the one who needs assistance due to the assistance I gave another. 

Regardless, my heart goes out to all those like me, The Bleeding Heart Liberals. 

Social Vibe

Social Vibe